Sunday, April 5, 2015

Everyone: Symmetry, Palindromes and the year 2015. Due April 15.

Symmetry is a topic we look at in many areas of mathematics.  We've seen even functions, odd functions, and relations symmetric to the x axis. Because of the elegance, simplicity and beauty of symmetry, we are drawn to symmetric objects and ideas.  

 Palindromes represent a kind of symmetry; they read the same way forwards as backwards.  When written in binary form, 2015 is a palindrome: 11111011111. Even better, when factored completely, 2015 can be written as a palindromic number: 13*5*31. This won't happen again for another 30 years.
Some other non-numeric palindromes: 
race car;  
A man, a plan, a canal, Panama; 
Madam, I'm Adam.

And my all-time favorite:

Go hang a salami I'm a lasagna hog. 

Your task for this (hopefully) fun blog, is to find TWO new palindromes that are interesting. One MUST be a numeric palindrome with some interesting characteristic that is not just the symmetry, the other can be any kind (a word or a phrase or a number with an interesting characteristic).  Feel free to search the internet, but credit your sources.  Feel free to make up your own.  Explain the symmetry, say why it's interesting to you.  Describe the characteristics of your palindromic number.  

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