Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Math Humor January, 2017 for all classes.

"Irrational people," says Mr Z, "hate this site." Look at the site just for kicks.  It highlights the positive integers under 30. As the site says, "Now more than ever," is this important. As I scrolled through the site, I found myself chuckling and enjoying the relationship between what we do in class and what I was seeing on the screen.

Then of course, there's more jokes within the same realm of sets of numbers:

Then, of course, there's the cute play on symbols: 

And I always need to put in a plug for why you need to take math: 

Welcome to the new year.  Find me some good math jokes; extra brownie points are given to those who find ones about the current topic. 

One point for each piece of math humor.  Go ahead, pull them from pinterest or wherever you find them.  Have fun. 


  1. The son of a friend of mine started his holiday letter in the following way:
    Dear Family and Friends,

    So just in case any of you had forgotten to be keeping score at home, I will update you on how things stand. Yesterday, I turned 19 years and 60 days old. Taking into account the 5 leap years in my life, and assuming my calculations are correct, this means that yesterday, January 12th 2014, I officially turned 1000 weeks old!!! Woohoo!!! Happy Birthday to me!!! That´s a WAY cooler milestone than 19 years, or whatever. Like, 19? 19´s not even a composite number! Lame! Now, if you want to be really finicky and adjust for the time zone difference, I think the actual exact moment when I passed the 4-digit week mark was sometime just before 8:00 this morning, but whatever. Nobody cares about those sorts of things.

    Great kid or what?

  2. 1. Q: Why was 6 afraid of 7?
    A: Because 7, 8, 9!

    2. I strongly dislike the subject of math, but I am partial to fractions.

    3. Old math professors never die, they just reduce their functions.

    4. With negative numbers, some math students became nonplussed.

    5. The math teacher was an exponent of his own power.

    6. Some mathematicians are on the negative side, while others are quite positive.

    7. I'm bad at math so the expression 2n + 2n is 4n to me.

    8. Q: What do organic mathematicians throw into their fireplaces?
    A: Natural Logs.

    9. I used to hate math, but then I realized decimals have a point.

    10. Deaf mathematicians communicate through sin language.
